After brokering new and used textbooks for years, Yosef Lifchitz saw how textbooks were only used for a year or two and then discarded for later editions. “There were so many used textbooks with little edition-by-edition changes,” Yosef says. “Yet there was no easily visible market for these barely-cracked textbooks. I knew I had to change that.”
In 2009, Yosef began Books4Cause, Inc. and launched to manage book, CD, DVD, and vinyl drives in Chicago, New York City, and college campuses.
By donating new and used books to Books4Cause, donors have the opportunity to help people in need. Book donations to Books4Cause have helped create over 118 libraries in Africa, recirculated hundreds of thousands of books, and saved even more from landfills. Campus book drives have sent textbooks to developing libraries and education programs in Africa and donated kids and adult books have been distributed to people in need across Chicago and the world.
Discover where to donate books to Books4Cause.
As Books4Cause expands, additional campus book drives will soon be added. To inquire about upcoming book drives near you, email
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